Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Costly Sending

Yesterday was a LONG day.  Amy, Joann and I met up at Toys R Us to buy supplies for the Kerala (OT/SLP) portion of the trip.  "The world's JOY store"?  Sure, it stripped me of joy! lol JK haha but it really was EXHAUSTING.  Filled with little kids who looked like this:

LOL. Cute, huh?

Anyway, we did really well and bought a lot of useful therapy materials (and we did it on a budget)!  Afterwards, we had some girl time and enjoyed some yummy Mexican food and even scored a free dessert. The Lord is on our side! :]  Afterwards, Amy and I went to meet up with Christina, who had been slaving away ALL DAY making therapy materials for us to take to Kerala.

Meet Christina sa-mo, wife of PR, mother of Evie and Ellie, Occupational Therapist, and... CRAFT-LADY-EXTRAORDINAIRE!

Chris played a HUGE role in helping Joann and me train and prepare for the Kerala portion of our trip.  So after the medical missions portion is done in Bangalore, Joann and I are riding solo!  Solo on a train that's going to take us all the way to the southern tip of India to Kerala.  There, we will be serving at Sathyanikethan (Shelter of Truth) Disability Center and Special Needs School. We hope to encourage the teachers there and share with them various occupational, communication and behavior strategies.

Both Joann and I just recently graduated in our respective fields (Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology).  We are both not very crafty.  Christina, a seasoned pediatric OT, brought us together to make a game plan.  She is very crafty.

She wanted so much to go with us and be there with us but wasn't able to this summer.  But instead of being sad about it and having an "oh well" mentality, she sprung into action!  She decided to be a costly sender and help us prepare all of our materials.  What this means is: printing, cutting, copying, gluing, laminating, cutting, velcro-ing, cricut-ing, gluing, punching, ripping, cutting, laminating... and so on.  Yes, it is tedious, menial, and maybe even carpal tunnel-giving work and although it sounds like something anyone can do... it is not an easy feat.  Countless hours were put into the work and still more must be put in.


We also wanted to be an encouragement to the teachers there and made personalized posters for each of them.  The quote on the bottom (one of my all time favorites) says this: May HE who has chosen to limit some of his children be merciful enough to guide the hands of us entrusted with their care. – R. Wayne Mosers

Thank you to Christina and all of you costly senders who have been sacrificing your resources and time!!!


  1. if christina gets carpal tunnel, she can give herself therapy so worries!

  2. those posters and things look amazing! great job, christina! thank you for being a costly sender!

    and i hear you about the toys r us thing. i went on christmas eve, and it was mayhem. i was exhausted just being there.
