Thursday, June 23, 2011

Medical Stations

Here is the basic run-down of how the medical missions portion of our trip will look like! (Sorry for the cheesy pictures. Thank you Google Images!)

 Station 1: Check-in
- Sign in on the roster and fill out slip tickets (name, age, chief complaints, etc.)
Purpose: To greet each person with love, joy and kindness; give them a first impression of why we're there (the Gospel).

Station 2: Vitals
- Record blood pressure and pulse
- Record blood glucose level for men and women 30 y/o and over
Purpose: To show the love and compassion of Christ through words, interaction, and physical touch. Some of the people we will encounter are considered "untouchables" so by coming in physical contact with them, it may possibly be very counter-cultural for them... just like the gospel message.

Station 3: Visit with Dr. Hubert
- Talk with the MD
- Hubert writes Rx and/or gives medical advice
Purpose: To reflect that Christ is the ultimate healer and restorer of not just our physical ailments, but of our sins.
Station 4: Pharmacy
- Fill Rx
Purpose: To provide and give freely to those who are suffering and hurting, just as the gospel is given freely to those who are suffering.
 Station 5:  Prayer
- Receive prayer
Purpose: To share the gospel with them and to pray for their healing and salvation.

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