Tuesday, July 5, 2011

From Tokyo

Our flight from LAX to Narita International Airport (Tokyo, Japan) was approximately 11 hours but consensus was that it went by pretty (or should I say, “relatively” fast).  We’re here for two hours for a fuel stop. 

Singapore Airlines is A.W.E.S.O.M.E.  They fed us nonstop and the food was G.O.O.D!!!  The plane we’re on is… H.U.G.E!!! H.U.G.E. = two floors!!  And we were told that just the wheels are one story high.  Our team’s goal during our flight to India is to share and hear each of our testimonies and so far, so G.O.O.D!!!  (I don’t know what T.H.I.S. I.S. A.L.L. A.B.O.U.T.  We’re all a little delirious at this point!)  Anyway, it’s SO CLEAR how PRESENT God is in our team and hearing everyone’s testimony is confirming his faithfulness in our lives.

Just a shout out to every single person who came out to our send off.  As soon as we were through the gates, we shared about how we were able to see costly living through all of our senders.  In particular, we are remembering the spouses of our team members—children in arms, giving sacrificially.  Please remember Stephanie, Christina, Susan, and Howard and please keep them in prayer as well!

We’ve been doing a lot of praying.  Jeff has been faithfully recording every opportunity.  Hubert has been faithfully being funny.  Joann has been faithfully… being funny too.  So is Nate.  And Amy.  And myself. Jeff is secretly funny too.  PR is also being especially funny.  Someone from “Beat Freaks” from MTV’s dance show was on our flight and PR got SO star struck (big-ups to Joann for recognizing her first).  HAHAHA he went to go meet her and get her autograph.  He was so star struck.  It was seriously entertaining. 

Anyway, everyone’s healthy so far! (I hope I’ll be continuing to update with good news once in India and the stomach battles begin.)  Morale is up (although bodies are tired) and we’re all excited to see what awaits us in India!  We’re going to re-board our fancy plane in a little bit and then we’re headed for Singapore!  I packed my camera cable in my checked bag so no pictures for now but maybe it’s more fun to imagine all these things!  I promise I’ll post pictures ASAP.

INDIA 2011. Hyyyy-YAHH!!