Thursday, July 21, 2011

Missions is FUN

True or false?

- The bandana bandits ambushed the guys with nerf guns

- A brother who shall remain nameless got his glasses shot off his face (“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT” and led to the “no face shots” rule, but with one exception [see below])

- In retaliation, the brothers engaged in psychological warfare by shoving dead flying ants under our room door and splashing unfiltered water at us

- After saying, I quote, “Shoot me in the face. I won’t flinch,” one unnamed individual was shot in the face by another unnamed individual who was having a bad day

- PR was ambushed by six unnamed individuals from the medical missions team from GLMC

- One girl went crazy and used a caterpillar as a sword

- One girl rammed into Hubert’s polka-dot umbrella shield and broke it during battle

- A surgery was performed on a jelly-bean-like growth on someone’s cankle with a sterilized safety pin

- All three of us girls held a puppy EACH for a 2.5 hour bumpy, sweaty drive

- To keep ourselves busy, we had a really really good time with a giant rock

Missions IS FUN!!!! ALL TRUE!!! Hahaha! But in all seriousness, all of these fun events were a great blessing and grew our team closer together. Oh the joys of missions… the simple things in life bring such great joy.  I want to continue that practice when I get back and challenge you all to do the same.

More pictures to come!!!


  1. lol. I am cracking up. good times...

  2. i'm almost certain that the psychological warfare was hubert's idea... i apologize for my husband's twisted mind.

  3. great updates, grace! keep 'em coming! :)

  4. we miss you guys!...praying for a safe return

  5. Susan~ the psychological warfare may not have been.. but the chemical warfare had Hubert written alllll over it!!
