Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Dynamic Encounters"

It's been difficult to get online.  Not much time to update but here's a preview:

- 4 days turned 6 days out in rural villages (sparrows, no showers, and great blessings)
- Medical missions: attack of the villagers and creation of "line control" and "bouncers"
- 850 total people seen and prayed for
- Church plants (plowed field, cornerstone, rain)
- Church dedications and registrations
- Persecution in village school
... and much much more!!! STAY TUNED!

Again, thank you for your continued prayers. God has answered every single one.
We are all, by the grace of God, healthy and safe and being overwhelmingly blessed. (Seriously crazy how no one has gotten sick!)

Nate, Hubert, Jeff and Amy are flying back tomorrow night and Joann and I are taking the train to Kerala to start our second half of our ministry. Please continue to pray for us.  We have also been praying for you guys and hope you are being renewed each day.

1 comment:

  1. grace and joann, hwighting!

    can't wait to hear about EVERYTHING from the team!
